Day 1

Scripture to Read: Psalm 130:1

God used forty different writers to pen the words that we call the Bible. Some of the words are written by unknown writers, while other writers are clearly made known. Psalm 130 is called a “Song of Ascents,” and there are around fifteen “Song of Ascents” found in Psalms. An ascent means to rise up, climb up, to scale above what is below. As God led the psalmist, we read in Psalm 130:1, “Out of the depths I have cried to You, O Lord.” The psalmist was in distress, possibly broken over their sin, or they could have been in distress due to persecution, tests, and trials. As we walk through this psalm, we'll see that the psalmist will mention sin and God’s forgiveness, so that is why the psalmist is possibly crying out to our Lord from the depths of their distress over their sinfulness. No matter why the psalmist is crying out, this is a great reminder from our Lord that we have total access to His Throne of Grace to cry out to Him in our time of need. But God does not just want us crying out to Him in our time of distress and despair. God desires us to come before Him daily to build our intimacy with Him and His Word. God knows what we need before we ask Him, so prayer is not to make God aware of anything, but instead, it is to join Him, knowing He is actively working on our behalf in all areas of our lives. Call out to Him today!

Challenge & Application

· What did God teach you today about what He desires you to do each day? · How are you growing in your intimacy with God and His Word?

Don’t forget to pray using the A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) method!

Devotionals from this week

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Day 1

God used forty different writers to pen the words that we call the Bible. Some of the words are written by unknown writers, while other writers are clearly made known. Psalm 130 is called a “Song of Ascents,” and there are around fifteen “Song of Ascents” found in Psalms. An ascent means to rise up, climb up, to scale above what is below. As ...


Day 2

God loves it when we fellowship with Him, much like a dad and mom love it when their children enjoy spending time with them. As God allowed the psalmist to write, we read in Psalm 130:2, “Lord, hear my voice! Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications.” The fact that the psalmist asked God to listen to him, to be attentive to...


Day 3

When we consider our lives and what Christ has done for us, it is sometimes overwhelming to try to understand the vastness of His forgiveness, grace, mercy, and love. The question that God led the psalmist to write in Psalm 130:3 is incredibly humbling. We read, “If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” What God is gett...


Day 4

Some of the best news we, as followers of Christ, can share with each other and those still lost in their sin is that Christ’s blood sacrifice pays the full price for everyone’s sins. Though we know Christ’s blood cleanses and purifies us, too many Christians still live in the guilt and shame of their past. They live powerless lives because o...


Day 5

Walking with our Lord each day is what God created us to do. God designed us to have intimate fellowship with Him, and God the Father opened the door of His Throne Room of Grace through our Lord Jesus Christ’s death on the cross (Matthew 27:51, Mark 15:38, Luke 23:45, Hebrews 9). Therefore, we always have open access to God the Father to fell...


Day 6

God had the psalmist use the watchmen as an example of those who long for something expectantly. We read in Psalm 130:6, “My soul waits for the Lord more than the watchmen for the morning; Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.” Some believe the watchmen were the military guards waiting for the first light of day. The night watchmen ...


Day 7

God used the psalmist to end his song with a word of encouragement to the nation of Israel. We read in Psalm 130:7–8, “O Israel, hope in the Lord; For with the Lord there is lovingkindness, and with Him is abundant redemption. 8 And He will redeem Israel from all his iniquities.” The reason Israel and everyone else should hope in the Lord is ...
