The Journey of Discipleship

Our church’s strategy for making disciples is called the Journey of Discipleship. It is a process that helps us train every member of our church to know and follow Jesus by being engaged in 4 arenas. Click or scroll to learn more.
  • Worship
  • Community
  • Discipleship
  • Multiply


    Corporate worship is typically the first place to connect with our church family. In worship we gather to hear who Jesus is, what He has done, and how to have an ongoing relationship with Him through bible preaching and song. As this revelation is given to us, we respond passionately through praises, giving of our resources, also observing baptisms and communion. Worship is key to our disciple making strategy because we believe that as God’s word is revealed people are drawn to Jesus, and changed.

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    The next step to connect with Jesus and our church family is in community groups. Community describes the relationships that are formed out of being a disciple of Jesus. In community groups people build authentic relationships with other believers, and center their lives on Jesus and His mission, together. Community groups meet on Sunday mornings, and throughout the regular rhythms of life. There are a variety of groups to choose from that range from every stage of life. Community groups are key to our disciple making strategy because we believe relationships are the primary environment God uses to grow people. We believe that when people learn to share life together, we help one another be all that the gospel calls us to be.

    Based on Acts 2:42-47 community groups are committed to:

    Growth: Together, we discuss scripture at a deeper level, and commit to prayer for our lives, our city, and our world. Relationships: Together, we strive to fully know others, and be fully known by others. Love: Together, we commit to meet needs, share burdens, and celebrate victories. Mission: Together we engage our city and the world, with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

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    The next step to grow as a follower of Jesus is to be involved in a discipleship group (D-group). Discipleship groups are same gender small groups of 3–5 people. These groups are closed groups, that agree to meet together for 12–18 months of intentional growth. The purpose of Discipleship is to lead people to learn to obey all that Jesus has commanded, and train them to do the work of the ministry. Discipleship groups have a rhythm of formal meetings and informal times of life-on-life mentoring. Through discipleship groups we develop spiritual disciplines, core theology, transformation, and training for every day mission. Discipleship Groups are key to our disciple making strategy because we believe that God’s plan to grow the church is for every member of the body to be trained to use their gifts to minister to others. Disciples get this training and development through the real life examples of someone who is investing in them.


    As we continue our journey as growing disciples of Jesus, we seek to multiply our lives and the gospel in others. We send disciples to take the gospel to engage the lost where we live, work and do recreation. As we see people come to know and follow Jesus with our church family we invite them on the journey of discipleship to be disciples who can make disciples. Multiplying is key to our disciple making strategy because it is God’s method for reaching the world. We are to provide more community group leaders, D-Group leaders, ministry coordinators, church planters, churches, volunteers, deacons, missionaries, and lay people who can lead others to know and follow Jesus.

    I want to live on mission